Dr. phil. Elisabeth Does

Dr. phil. Elisabeth Does




At ARRTI I am working on a number of inter- and transdisciplinary topics concerning the role of science in times of technological and societal transformation. Those topics include the implementation of ethics education in engineering and natural sciences study programmes and the development of innovative formats to foster more fruitful exchange between science, politics, and society.

In teaching and research, I am inspired by a wide range of theoretical and empirical perspectives from different disciplines, including economics, sociology, and political theory. The overarching philosophical perspective from which I tend to integrate those different approaches is philosophical pragmatism.



Current Research Projects: Ethikkodex für Reallabore (Code of ethics for ‘real world labs’)

In my research I have so far focused on epistemological questions concerning methodological and theoretical pluralism in organisation studies, a very diverse field within the social sciences. I am furthermore interested in how the (critical) portrayal of natural sciences within the social sciences influences attitudes towards science in broader society.


Final stage working papers
  • Does, E.: Foundationalist vs. coherentist pluralism in organization theory: pragmatist inspirations for more problem-orientation. (submitted)
  • Does, E.: Reflections on the insignificance of ontological assumptions to idiographic research approaches. (submitted)
  • Does, E.: Provocation and organization studies: styles for contestation. (submitted)


Published work
  • Scherer, A.G.; Does, E.; Marti, E. (2016): Epistemology: philosophical foundations and organizational controversies. In: Mir, R.; Willmott, H.; Greenwood, M: Routledge Companion to Philosophy in Organization Studies, p. 33-50, Routledge 2016


Public Outreach



Summer 2022

  • Ars Reflectionis – Verantwortlich Denken und Handeln in Technik, Wissenschaft und Innovation“, Online Einführungskurs in die Technikethik für Studierende aller Fachrichtungen am KIT
  • Co-Teaching im Proseminar „Softwarekatastrophen”, Fakultät für Informatik (KIT)
  • Co-Teaching in der Vorlesung “Maschinelles Lernen in der Chemie“, Institut für Physikalische Chemie (KIT)
  • Co-Teaching im Kurs „Landschaftstypologien”, Fakultät für Architektur (KIT)

Fall 2021

  • Co-Teaching im Kurs „Integrierte Produktentwicklung“, Institut für Produktentwicklung (KIT)
  • Co-Teaching im Kurs „Platform Economoy”, Institut für Informationswirtschaft und Marketing, (KIT)
  • Co-Teaching im Kurs „Technik- und umwelthistorische Perspektiven auf aktuelle Innovationsprozesse“, Institut für Technikzukünfte (KIT)
  • Ringvorlesung „Vorbilder in Innovation und Forschung: Verantwortung in der Produktentwicklung“, Institut für Produktentwicklung (KIT)
  • “History and Philosophy” (MA seminar), University of Antwerp / Antwerp School of Management (BE)

Summer 2021

  • Entscheiden, gestalten, Verantwortung übernehmen – Fragen zu Technikethik gemeinsam reflektieren (KIT / HOC)
  • Streaming ethics – Technikethik in Filmen und Serien (KIT / ZAK)

Fall 2020 

  • “History and Philosophy” (MA seminar), University of Antwerp / Antwerp School of Management (BE)


Short Bio

2020 - now Post Doc at ARRTI, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
2013 - 2020 PhD studies, University of Zurich (CH) Faculty of Philosophy / Department of Sociology, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics
2015 Visiting Research Student at Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economics (EIPE), Erasmus University Rotterdam (NL)
2011 - 2013 MA in Philosophy and Economics, School of Politics, Economics, and Philosophy, University of York (UK)
2011 Co-Researcher (freelance) at the State Institute for Family Research Bamberg
2010 - 2011 Research Assistant (Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft), Chair of Economic Philosophy and Business Ethics, Catholic University Eichstaett-Ingolstadt
2006 - 2010 BSc in Business AdministrationCatholic University Eichstaett-Ingolstadt, (Germany)