Welcome to the ARRTI Pillar Teaching!

At ARRTI we offer instruction in formats that enable and encourage students at KIT to critically reflect on ethical questions related to their fields of study. In doing so we seek to lay the groundwork for responsible action in future professional environments. Our teaching programs are interdisciplinary and include co-teaching formats in cooperation with various KIT study programs. We also work together with the KIT House of Competence (HoC) and the FORUM to make our courses available to a broad student audience. In all our teaching we emphasize student engagement as a central didactic element, meaning that students actively participate in the development, testing, and evaluation of innovative teaching formats and content.

We critically reflect on and evaluate our teaching programs in order to continually advance our didactic knowledge. We also present these systematically developed insights to a research community interested in didactic questions in workshops, conferences and scientific publications.

Services for Students

Lectures & Seminars
Course ARs ReflecTIonis
Gender Competence Training

Services for University Lecturers

Flyer: Teaching Cooperation

New at ARRTI

Name Title Job Description
Dipl.-Soz. Co-Teaching, Mentoring Challenges, Philosophisches Gespräch, Websiteadministration
Dr. phil. Ars Reflectionis, Reallabore
Dr. phil.  
Univ.-Prof. Dr.  
Univ.-Prof. Dr.