Introduction to Energy Economics (Co-Teaching)

  1. Introduction: terms, units, conversions
  2. The energy carrier gas (reserves, resources, technologies)
  3. The energy carrier oil (reserves, resources, technologies)
  4. The energy carrier hard coal (reserves, resources, technologies)
  5. The energy carrier lignite (reserves, resources, technologies)
  6. The energy carrier uranium (reserves, resources, technologies)
  7. The final carrier source electricity
  8. The final carrier source heat
  9. Other final energy carriers (cooling energy, hydrogen, compressed air)

The student is able to

  • characterize and judge the different energy carriers and their peculiarities,
  • understand contexts related to energy economics.
Language of instructionGerman

Weiterführende Literatur:

Pfaffenberger, Wolfgang. Energiewirtschaft. ISBN 3-486-24315-2

Feess, Eberhard. Umweltökonomie und Umweltpolitik. ISBN 3-8006-2187-8

Müller, Leonhard. Handbuch der Elektrizitätswirtschaft. ISBN 3-540-67637-6

Stoft, Steven. Power System Economics. ISBN 0-471-15040-1

Erdmann, Georg. Energieökonomik. ISBN 3-7281-2135-5