

Ethics in the Lab. A Workshop on Scientific Misconduct and How to Avoid it [ONLINE WORKSHOP]

Thursday, 03 April 2025, 9:00-13:00

What is the relation between good and successful research, on the one hand, and ethical and responsible research, on the other hand?

This workshop focuses on typical conflicts that particularly early career researchers may face in the context of a publish-or-perish culture: Is it okay for me to ignore and leave out statistical “outliers” when presenting my research data in case they impact the overall results more than I would like? Is such data “massaging” already scientific misconduct? How transparent must research practice be, when at the same time one has to succeed in the competitive world of scientific research? How to respond when you notice academic misconduct by a colleague? How should you handle problematic expectations of your supervisor?


In this workshop, however, we not only want to explain that these areas of conflict exist, but above all provide tools that can help you make your own decisions. We will do this by discussing realistic cases and using these cases to illustrate how easy it is to overlook important things and thus unintentionally overstep boundaries. In this way, participants can acquire the skills they need to recognise and avoid scientific misconduct. The workshop provides general skills and knowledge of research ethics needed for scientists to address the questions raised above. Participants attain the skills to rationally reflect on their role as a scientist from an ethical standpoint, including the specific expectations that role involves in a broader social context.


The workshop will show that successful research goes hand in hand with ethical and responsible research.


This date of our Ethics in the Lab workshop is only for members of CRC/SFB 1608 “Convide” - Consistency in the View-Based Development of Cyber-Physical Systems.


PD Dr. phil. Alexander Bagattini and Team
ARRTI (KIT Academy for Responsible Research, Teaching, and Innovation)
ARRTI | Academy for Responsible Research, Teaching, and Innovation
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Douglasstraße 24
76133 Karlsruhe
Mail: marcel krueger does-not-exist.kit edu
Online registration
The registration is made using the following link.
Online Registration


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